Ashlee Kulaga +
Party Natrelmon +
1) Hawkline - Female - 28 - 13400
2) Ebe - Male - 12 - 1555 (Inverted)
3) Omucaw - Female - 24 - 8920
4) Dember - Male - 12 - 1340
5) Albion - Male - 21 - 10850
6) Feshru - Female - 15 - 2280 (Albino)
7) Megitox - Male - 28 - 14050
Boromb - Male - 16 - 4000
Boxed Natrelmon +
1) Kaeru - Male - 4 - 150
2) Bruse - Female - 12 - 1340
3) Grianos - Female - 1 - 50
4) Ficicle - Female - 14 - 2000
Money: N5,000
Relic F
Relic E x4
Ward Arena Badge
Minor Cure
Feeble Wall
Seen Natrelmon:
Sparwire (+++)
Crowire (+++)
Ebe (+++)
Kaeru (+++)
Dember (+++)
Anuret (+++)
Feshru (+++)
Albion (+++)
Ficicle (+++)
Megitox (+++)
Bruse (++)
Pendrag (+++)
Sakura (+)
Sakura-re (+)
Grianos (++)
Boromb (+++)
Metosune (+++)
Kyonshi (+++)
Ocalia (+++)
Shariha (+++)
Gall (+++)
Milice (+++)
Jou (+++)
Unotori (+++)
Theoretical Tracking Experience: 2140 (Level 20)
- Starter Natrelmon has gained five levels because it starts at level 5!
- Ebe began at level 9.
- Kaeru caught at level 4.
- Dember caught at level 12.
- Anuret caught at level 11.
- Omutiel obtained at level 15.
- Feshru caught at level 13.
- Crowire and Ebe leveled up to 15 and 12, respectively, from a battle with Isaac.
- Albion caught at level 21.
- Ficicle caught at level 14.
- Bruse obtained at level 12.
- Grianos obtained at level 1.
- Megitox obtained at level 28.
- Omutiel and Crowire gained a ton of experience from the Ward Arena, promoting them to Omucaw and Hawkline (with the help of some money from High for the latter).
- Feshru went from level 13 to 15 from beating Isaac's Bruse.
- Boromb caught at level 16.