Updated 2/14/19
1 - 5: Swalest
6 - 8: Orkora
9 - 14: Xiao
15 - 19: Emleaf
20 - 24: Bovent
25 - 27: Weddelbek
28 -30: Goll
31 - 34: Leadro
35: Patriti
36 - 39: Metosune
40 - 43: Reroll
44 - 45: Datic
46 - 49: Swindle
50 - 53: Lapher
54 - 55: Glazen
56 - 58: Wispy
59 - 63: Ocalia
64 - 83: No Natrelmon!
84 - 87: Reroll!
88 - 93: Reroll Twice!
94 - 100: Natrelmon of your choice from this list, or, Guaranteed upgrade to Uncommon/Semi-Rare!
Uncommon/Semi-Rare Natrelmon
1 - 2: Olena.
3 - 4: Volcan
5 - 6: Sakura
7: Tibearius
8 - 10: Wune
11 - 12: Reroll
13 - 14: Grianos
15 - 18: Panzer
19 - 21: Kyuman
22 - 28: Amar
29 - 30: Flabara
31 - 32: Yosoku
33 - 34: Kyonshi
35 - 38: Mythin
39 - 44: Lotulia
45 - 48: Velare
49 - 50: Gen
51 - 53: Omu
54 - 58: Chouette
59 - 88: No Natrelmon!
89 - 93: Reroll!
94 - 98: Double Reroll
99 - 100: Your choice of Natrelmon from this list, or, Guaranteed upgrade to Rare!
Rare Natrelmon
1 - 5: Narashi
6 - 10: Kujaku
11 - 15: Albion
16 - 20: Lancelot
21 - 25: Soelbe
26 - 30: Reroll
31 - 35: Yata
36 - 40: Meu
41 - 45: Medraut
46 - 50: Shariha
51 - 60: Choice of Natrelmon from this list!
61 - 99: No Natrelmon!
100: Upgrade your roll to guaranteed VR and reroll!